*Channel Type: [Chamber] [Transmembrane]

*PDB: (PDB:chainId e.g. 1AKD:A) or upload file:
e-mail address: (Optional: link to the results page is sent to this address)
*Via sphere:
x: y: z: r:
(Find channel that passes through this sphere)
*Channel vector:
x: y: z:
(General direction of channel)

Advanced options: [Show] [Hide]

Resolution: (between 0.1A and 0.5A)
Bounding sphere radius:
End channels at radius:
Include hetatoms: (Include these hetatoms, e.g. HEM)
Include hydrogens:
Mesh quality: (For visualization purposes)
Radii table: (Use as a template a radii table for Linux or Windows)
Probe radius: (between 0.0A and 10.0A)

Reference: Eitan Yaffe, Dan Fishelovitch, Haim J. Wolfson, Ruth Nussinov, Dan Halperin. "MolAxis: A server for Identification of Channels in Macromolecule". Nucleic Acids Research. Volume 36 (Web Server issue), 1 July 2008, Pages: W210-W215. [link].