GraphWin combines the two types graph and window and forms a bridge between the graph data types and algorithms and the graphics interface of LEDA. GraphWin can easily be used in LEDA programs for constructing, displaying and manipulating graph and for animating and debugging graph algorithms.
There are also methods for modifying existing graph (e.g. by removing or adding a certain set of edges) to fit in one of these categories and for testing whether a given graph is planar, connected, bipartite ...
For every node and edge of the graph GraphWin maintains a set of parameters.
With every node is associated the following list of parameters. Note that for every parameter there are corresponding set and get operations (gw.set_param() and gw.get_param) where param has to be replaced by the corresponding parameter name.
With every edge is associated the following list of parameters
The corresponding types are:
gw_node_shape = { circle_node, ellipse_node, square_node, rectangle_node } gw_edge_shape = { poly_edge, circle_edge, bezier_edge, spline_edge } gw_position = { central_pos, northwest_pos, north_pos, northeast_pos, east_pos, southeast_pos, south_pos, southwest_pos, west_pos } gw_label_type = { no_label, user_label, data_label, index_label } gw_edge_style = { solid_edge, dashed_edge, dotted_edge, dashed_dotted_edge } gw_edge_dir = { undirected_edge, directed_edge, bidirected_edge, rdirected_edge };
#include < LEDA/graphics/graphwin.h >
GraphWin | gw(graph& G, int w, int h, const char* win_label="") | |
creates a graph window for graph G with a display window of size w pixels x h pixels. If win_label is not empty it is used as the frame label of the window, otherwise, a default frame label is used. | ||
GraphWin | gw(graph& G, const char* win_label="") | |
creates a graph window for graph G with a display window of default size and frame label win_label. | ||
GraphWin | gw(int w, int h, const char* win_label="") | |
creates a graph window for a new empty graph with a display window of size w pixels x h pixels, and frame label win_label. | ||
GraphWin | gw(const char* win_label="") | |
creates a graph window for a new empty graph with a display window of default size and frame label win_label. | ||
GraphWin | gw(window& W) | as above, but W is used as display window. |
GraphWin | gw(graph& G, window& W) | as above, but makes G the graph of gw. |
a) Window Operations
void | gw.display(int x, int y) | displays gw with upper left corner at (x, y). The predefined constant window::center can be used to center the window horizontally (if passed as x) or vertically (if passed as y). |
void | gw.display() | displays gw at default position. |
bool | gw.edit() | enters the edit mode of GraphWin that allows to change the graph interactively by operations associated with certain mouse events or by choosing operations from the windows menu bar (see section about edit-mode) for a description of the available commands and operations). Edit mode is terminated by either pressing the done button or by selecting exit from the file menu. In the first case the result of the edit operation is true and in the latter case the result is false. |
bool | x, int y) | displays the window at position (x, y), enters edit mode and return the corresponding result. |
bool | | as above, but displays the window at default position. |
void | gw.close() | closes the window. |
void | gw.message(const char* msg) | |
displays the message msg at the top of the window. | ||
string | gw.get_message() | returns the current messsage string. |
void | gw.del_message() | deletes a previously written message. |
double | gw.get_xmin() | returns the minimal x-coordinate of the window. |
double | gw.get_ymin() | returns the minimal y-coordinate of the window. |
double | gw.get_xmax() | returns the maximal x-coordinate of the window. |
double | gw.get_ymax() | returns the maximal y-coordinate of the window. |
void | gw.win_init(double xmin, double xmax, double ymin) | |
sets the coordinates of the window to (xmin, xmax, ymin). | ||
void | gw.redraw() | redraws the graph. If the flush parameter of gw is set to false (see set_flush) this operation can be used to display the current state of the graph after a number of update operations. |
void | gw.set_frame_label(const char* label) | |
makes label the frame label of the window. | ||
int | gw.open_panel(panel& P) | displays panel P centered on the drawing area of gw, disables the menu bar of gw and returns the result of |
window& | gw.get_window() | returns a reference to the window of gw. |
void | gw.finish_menu_bar() | this operation has to called before additional buttons are added to the panel section of gw.get_window(). |
b) Graph Operations
node | gw.new_node(const point& p) | |
adds a new node at position p to gw. | ||
void | gw.del_node(node v) | deletes v and all edges incident to v from gw. |
edge | gw.new_edge(node v, node w) | |
adds a new edge (v, w) to gw. | ||
edge | gw.new_edge(node v, node w, const list<point>& P) | |
adds a new edge (v, w) with bend sequence P to gw. | ||
void | gw.del_edge(edge e) | deletes edge e from gw. |
void | gw.clear_graph() | deletes all nodes and egdes. |
graph& | gw.get_graph() | returns a reference of the graph of gw. |
void | gw.update_graph() | this operation has to be called after any update operation that has been performed directly (not by Graph Win) on the underlying graph, e.g., deleting or inserting nodes or edges. |
c) Node Parameters
Node parameters can be retrieved or changed by a collection of get- and set- operations. We use param_type for the type and param for the value of the corresponding parameter.
Individual Parameters
param_type | gw.get_param(node v) | returns the value of parameter param for node v. |
param_type | gw.set_param(node v, param_type x) | |
sets the value of parameter param for node v to x. and returns its previous value. | ||
void | gw.set_param(list<node>& L, param_type x) | |
sets the value of parameter param for all nodes in L to x. |
Default Parameters
d) Edge Parameters
Individual Parameters
param_type | gw.get_param(edge e) | returns the value of parameter param for edge e. |
param_type | gw.set_param(edge e, param_type x) | |
sets the value of parameter param for edge e to x. and returns its previous value. | ||
void | gw.set_param(list<edge>& L, param_type x) | |
sets the value of parameter param for all edges in L to x. |
Default Parameters
e) Global Options
int | gw.set_gen_nodes(int n) | sets the default number of nodes n for all graph generator dialog panels. |
int | gw.set_gen_edges(int m) | sets the default number of edges m for all graph generator dialog panels. |
int | gw.set_edge_distance(int d) | |
sets the distance of multi-edges to d pixels. | ||
grid_style | gw.set_grid_style(grid_style s) | |
sets the grid style to s. | ||
int | gw.set_grid_dist(int d) | sets the grid distance to d. |
int | gw.set_grid_size(int n) | sets the grid distance such that n vertical grid lines lie inside the drawin area. |
bool | gw.set_show_status(bool b) | |
display a status window (b=true) or not (b=false). | ||
color | gw.set_bg_color(color c) | sets the window background color to c. |
char* | gw.set_bg_pixmap(char* pr, double xorig=0, double yorig=0) | |
sets the window background pixmap to pr and the tiling origin to (xorig, yorig). | ||
void | gw.set_bg_xpm(const char** xpm_data) | |
sets the window background pixmap to the pixmap defined by xpm_data. | ||
void | gw.set_bg_redraw(void (*f)(window*, double, double, double, double)) | |
sets the window background redraw function to f. | ||
void | gw.set_node_label_font(gw_font_type t, int sz) | |
sets the node label font type and size. Possible types are roman_font, bold_font, italic_font, and fixed_font. | ||
void | gw.set_node_label_font(string fn) | |
sets the node label font to the font with name fn. | ||
void | gw.set_edge_label_font(gw_font_type t, int sz) | |
sets the edge label font type and size. roman_font, bold_font, italic_font, and fixed_font. | ||
void | gw.set_edge_label_font(string fn) | |
sets the edge label font to the font with name fn. | ||
string | gw.set_node_index_format(string s) | |
sets the node index format string to s. | ||
string | gw.set_edge_index_format(string s) | |
sets the edge index format string s. | ||
bool | gw.set_edge_border(bool b) | |
sets the edge border flag to b. | ||
bool | gw.enable_label_box(bool b) | |
enables/disables drawing of blue label boxes. Label boxes are enabled per default. |
Animation and Zooming
f) Node and Edge Selections
void | v) | adds v to the list of selected nodes. |
void | gw.select_all_nodes() | selects all nodes. |
void | gw.deselect(node v) | deletes v from the list of selected nodes. |
void | gw.deselect_all_nodes() | clears the current node selection. |
bool | gw.is_selected(node v) | returns true if v is selected and false otherwise. |
const list<node>& | gw.get_selected_nodes() | returns the current node selection. |
void | e) | adds e to the list of selected edges. |
void | gw.select_all_edges() | selects all edges. |
void | gw.deselect(edge e) | deletes e from the list of selected edges. |
void | gw.deselect_all_edges() | clears the current node selection. |
bool | gw.is_selected(edge e) | returns true if e is selected and false otherwise. |
const list<edge>& | gw.get_selected_edges() | returns the current edge selection. |
void | gw.deselect_all() | clears node and edge selections. |
g) Layout Operations
void | gw.set_position(const node_array<point>& pos) | |
for every node v of G the position of v is set to pos[v]. | ||
void | gw.set_position(const node_array<double>& x, const node_array<double>& y) | |
for every node v of G the position of v is set to (x[v], y[v]). | ||
void | gw.get_position(node_array<point>& pos) | |
for every node v of G the position of v is assigned to pos[v]. | ||
void | gw.set_layout(const node_array<point>& pos, const node_array<double>& r1, const node_array<double>& r2, const edge_array<list<point> >& bends, const edge_array<point>& sanch, const edge_array<point>& tanch) | |
for every node v the position is set to pos[v] and radiusi is set to ri[v]. For every edge e the list of bends is set to bends[e] and source (target) anchor is set to sanch[e] (tanch[e]). | ||
void | gw.set_layout(const node_array<point>& pos, const edge_array<list<point> >& bends, bool reset_anchors=true) | |
for every node v the position is set to pos[v] and for every edge e the list of bends is set to bends[e]. | ||
void | gw.set_layout(const node_array<point>& pos) | |
for every node v the position is set to pos[v] and for every edge e the list of bends is made empty. | ||
void | gw.set_layout(const node_array<double>& x, const node_array<double>& y) | |
for every node v the position is set to (x[v], y[v]) and for every edge e the list of bends is made empty. | ||
void | gw.set_layout() | same as gw.remove_bends(). |
void | gw.transform_layout(node_array<double>& xpos, node_array<double>& ypos, edge_array<list<double> >& xbends, edge_array<list<double> >& ybends, double dx, double dy, double fx, double fy) | |
transforms the layout given by xpos, ypos, xbends, and ybends by transforming every node position or edge bend (x, y) to (dx + fx*x, dy + fy*y). The actual layout of the current graph is not changed by this operation. | ||
void | gw.transform_layout(node_array<double>& xpos, node_array<double>& ypos, node_array<double>& xrad, node_array<double>& yrad, edge_array<list<double> >& xbends, edge_array<list<double> >& ybends, double dx, double dy, double fx, double fy) | |
as above, in addition the horizontal and vertical radius of every node (given in the arrays xrad and yrad) are enlarged by a factor of fx and fy, respectively. | ||
void | gw.fill_win_params(double wx0, double wy0, double wx1, double wy1, double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1, double& dx, double& dy, double& fx, double& fy) | |
computes parameters dx, dy, fx, and fy for transforming rectangle x0,y0,x1,y1 into (window) rectangle wx0,wy0,wx1,wy1. | ||
void | gw.fill_win_params(double wx0, double wy0, double wx1, double wy1, node_array<double>& xpos, node_array<double>& ypos, edge_array<list<double> >& xbends, edge_array<list<double> >& ybends, double& dx, double& dy, double& fx, double& fy) | |
computes parameters dx, dy, fx, and fy for transforming the layout given xpos,ypos,xbends,ybends to fill the (window) rectangle wx0,wy0,wx1,wy1. | ||
void | gw.fill_win_params(double wx0, double wy0, double wx1, double wy1, node_array<double>& xpos, node_array<double>& ypos, node_array<double>& xrad, node_array<double>& yrad, edge_array<list<double> >& xbends, edge_array<list<double> >& ybends, double& dx, double& dy, double& fx, double& fy) | |
computes parameters dx, dy, fx, and fy for transforming the layout given xpos,ypos,xbends,ybends, xrad,yrad to fill the (window) rectangle wx0,wy0,wx1,wy1. | ||
void | gw.place_into_box(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1) | |
moves and stretches the graph to fill the given rectangular box (x0, y0, x1, y1) by appropriate scaling and translating operations. | ||
void | gw.place_into_win() | moves and stretches the graph to fill the entire window by appropriate scaling and translating operations. |
void | gw.adjust_coords_to_box(node_array<double>& xpos, node_array<double>& ypos, edge_array<list<double> >& xbends, edge_array<list<double> >& ybends, double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1) | |
transforms the layout given by xpos, ypos, xbends, and ybends in such way as a call of place_into_box(x0,y0,x1,y1) would do. However, the actual layout of the current graph is not changed by this operation. | ||
void | gw.adjust_coords_to_box(node_array<double>& xpos, node_array<double>& ypos, double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1) | |
transforms the layout given by xpos, ypos in such way as a call of place_into_box(x0,y0,x1,y1) would do ignoring any edge bends. The actual layout of the current graph is not changed by this operation. | ||
void | gw.adjust_coords_to_win(node_array<double>& xpos, node_array<double>& ypos, edge_array<list<double> >& xbends, edge_array<list<double> >& ybends) | |
same as adjust_coords_to_box(xpos,ypos,xbends,ybends,wx0,wy0,wx1,wy1) for the current window rectangle (wx0, wy0, wx1, wy1). | ||
void | gw.adjust_coords_to_win(node_array<double>& xpos, node_array<double>& ypos) | |
same as adjust_coords_to_box(xpos,ypos,wx0,wy0,wx1,wy1) for the current window rectangle (wx0, wy0, wx1, wy1). | ||
void | gw.remove_bends(edge e) | removes all bends from edge e. |
void | gw.remove_bends() | removes the bends of all edges of the graph. |
void | gw.reset_edge_anchors() | resets all edge anchor positions to (0, 0). |
int | gw.load_layout(istream& istr) | |
read layout from stream istr. | ||
bool | gw.save_layout(ostream& ostr) | |
save layout to stream ostr. | ||
bool | gw.save_layout(string fname, bool ask_override=false) | |
save layout to file fname. |
h) Zooming
i) Operations in Edit-mode
Before entering edit mode ...
gw_action | gw.set_action(long mask, gw_action func) | |
sets action associated with condition mask to func and returns previous action for this condition. Here gw_action is the type void (*func)(GraphWin&, const point&). For func = NULL the corresponding action is deleted. | ||
gw_action | gw.get_action(long mask) | returns the action associated with condition mask. |
void | gw.reset_actions() | resets all actions to their defaults. |
void | gw.clear_actions() | deletes all actions. |
void | gw.add_node_menu(string label, gw_action func) | |
appends action function func with label label to the context menu for nodes (opened by clicking with the right mouse button on a node). | ||
void | gw.add_edge_menu(string label, gw_action func) | |
appends action function func with label label to the context menu for edges (opened by clicking with the right mouse button on an edge). | ||
void | gw.set_new_node_handler(bool (*f)(GraphWin& , const point& )) | |
f (gw, p) is called every time before a node is to be created at position p. | ||
void | gw.set_new_node_handler(void (*f)(GraphWin& , node)=NULL) | |
f (gw, v) is called after node v has been created. | ||
void | gw.set_new_edge_handler(bool (*f)(GraphWin& , node, node)) | |
f (gw, v, w) is called before the edge (v, w) is to be created. | ||
void | gw.set_new_edge_handler(void (*f)(GraphWin& , edge)=NULL) | |
f (gw, e) is called after the edge e has been created. | ||
void | gw.set_start_move_node_handler(bool (*f)(GraphWin& , node)=NULL) | |
f (gw, v) is called before node v is to be moved. | ||
void | gw.set_move_node_handler(void (*f)(GraphWin& , node)=NULL) | |
f (gw, v) is called every time node v reaches a new position during a move operation. | ||
void | gw.set_end_move_node_handler(void (*f)(GraphWin& , node)) | |
f (gw, v) is called after node v has been moved. | ||
void | gw.set_del_node_handler(bool (*f)(GraphWin& , node)) | |
f (gw, v) is called before the node v is to be deleted. | ||
void | gw.set_del_node_handler(void (*f)(GraphWin& )=NULL) | |
f (gw) is called every time after a node was deleted. | ||
void | gw.set_del_edge_handler(bool (*f)(GraphWin& , edge)) | |
f (gw, e) is called before the edge e is to be deleted. | ||
void | gw.set_del_edge_handler(void (*f)(GraphWin& )=NULL) | |
f (gw) is called every time after an edge was deleted. | ||
void | gw.set_start_edge_slider_handler(void (*f)(GraphWin& , edge, double)=NULL, int sl=0) | |
f (gw, e, pos) is called before slider sl of edge e is to be moved. Here pos is the current slider position. | ||
void | gw.set_edge_slider_handler(void (*f)(GraphWin& , edge, double)=NULL, int sl=0) | |
f (gw, e, pos) is called every time slider sl of edge e reaches a new position pos during a slider move. | ||
void | gw.set_end_edge_slider_handler(void (*f)(GraphWin& , edge, double)=NULL, int sl=0) | |
f (gw, e, pos) is called after slider sl of edge e has been moved to the final position pos. | ||
void | gw.set_init_graph_handler(bool (*f)(GraphWin& )) | |
f is called every time before the entire graph is replaced, e.g. by a clear, generate, or load operation. | ||
void | gw.set_init_graph_handler(void (*f)(GraphWin& )=NULL) | |
f is called every time after the entire graph was replaced. |
j) Menus
The default menu ...
void | gw.set_default_menu(long mask) | |
... | ||
void | gw.add_menu(long menu_id) | ... |
void | gw.del_menu(long menu_id) | ... |
Extending menus by new buttons and sub-menus ...
int | gw.add_menu(string label, int menu_id=0, char* pmap=0) | |
... | ||
int | gw.add_simple_call(void (*func)(GraphWin& ), string label, int menu_id=0, char* pmap=0) | |
... | ||
int | gw.add_simple_call(void (*func)(GraphWin& ), string label, int menu_id, int bm_w, int bm_h, unsigned char* bm_bits) | |
... | ||
int | gw.add_member_call(void (GraphWin::*func)(), string label, int menu_id=0, char* pmap=0) | |
... | ||
int | gw.add_member_call(void (GraphWin::*func)(), string label, int menu_id, int bm_w, int bm_h, unsigned char* bm_bits) | |
... | ||
void | gw.add_separator(int menu_id) | |
... | ||
void | gw.display_help_text(string fname) | |
displays the help text contained in name.hlp. The file name.hlp must exist either in the current working directory or in $LEDAROOT/incl/Help. | ||
void | gw.add_help_text(string name) | |
adds the help text contained in name.hlp with label name to the help menu of the main window. The file name.hlp must exist either in the current working directory or in $LEDAROOT/incl/Help. Note that this operation must be called before gw.display(). | ||
int | gw.get_menu(string label) | returns the number of the submenu with label label or -1 if no such menu exists. |
void | gw.enable_call(int id) | enable call with id id. |
void | gw.disable_call(int id) | disable call with id id. |
bool | gw.is_call_enabled(int id) | |
check if call with id is enabled. | ||
void | gw.enable_calls() | ... |
void | gw.disable_calls() | ... |
k) Input/Output
int | gw.read_gw(istream& in) | reads graph in gw format from stream in. |
int | gw.read_gw(string fname) | reads graph in gw format from file fname. |
bool | gw.save_gw(ostream& out) | writes graph in gw format to output stream out. |
bool | gw.save_gw(string fname, bool ask_overwrite=false) | |
saves graph in gw format to file fname. | ||
int | gw.read_gml(istream& in) | reads graph in GML format from stream in. |
int | gw.read_gml_string(string s) | |
reads graph in GML format from string s. | ||
int | gw.read_gml(string fname, bool ask_override=false) | |
reads graph in GML format from file fname. Returns 1 if fname cannot be opened, 2 if a parser error occurs, and 0 on success. | ||
bool | gw.save_gml(ostream& out) | writes graph in GML format to output stream out. |
bool | gw.save_gml(string fname, bool ask_override=false) | |
saves graph to file fname in GML format. | ||
bool | gw.save_ps(string fname, bool ask_override=false) | |
saves a postscript representation of the graph to fname. | ||
bool | gw.save_svg(string fname, bool ask_override=false) | |
saves a SVG representation of the graph to fname. | ||
bool | gw.save_latex(string fname, bool ask_override=false) | |
saves a postscript/latex representation of the graph to fname. | ||
bool | gw.save_wmf(string fname, bool ask_override=false) | |
saves a windows metafile representation of the graph to fname. | ||
bool | gw.unsaved_changes() | returns true if the graph has been changed after the last save (gw or gml) operation. |
bool | gw.save_defaults(string fname) | |
saves the default attributes of nodes and edges to file fname. | ||
bool | gw.read_defaults(string fname) | |
reads the default attributes of nodes and edges from file fname. |
l) Miscellaneous
void | gw.set_window(window& W) | makes W the window of gw. |
void | gw.set_graph(graph& G) | makes G the graph of gw. |
void | gw.undo_clear() | empties the undo and redo stacks. |
bool | gw.wait() | waits until the done button is pressed (true returned) or exit is selected from the file menu (false returned). |
bool | gw.wait(const char* msg) | displays msg and waits until the done button is pressed (true returned) or exit is selected from the file menu (false returned). |
bool | gw.wait(float sec, const char* msg="") | |
as above but waits no longer than sec seconds returns ?? if neither button was pressed within this time interval. | ||
void | gw.acknowledge(string s) | displays string s and asks for acknowledgement. |
node | gw.ask_node() | asks the user to select a node with the left mouse button. If a node is selected it is returned otherwise nil is returned. |
edge | gw.ask_edge() | asks the user to select an edge with the left mouse button. If an edge is selected it is returned otherwise nil is returned. |
bool | gw.define_area(double& x0, double& y0, double& x1, double& y1, const char* msg="") | |
displays message msg and returns the coordinates of a rectangular area defined by clicking and dragging the mouse. | ||
list<node> | gw.get_nodes_in_area(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1) | |
returns the list of nodes intersecting the rectangular area (x0, y0, x1, y1). | ||
list<edge> | gw.get_edges_in_area(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1) | |
returns the list of edges intersecting the rectangular area (x0, y0, x1, y1). | ||
void | gw.save_node_attributes() | ... |
void | gw.save_edge_attributes() | ... |
void | gw.save_all_attributes() | ... |
void | gw.restore_node_attributes() | |
... | ||
void | gw.restore_edge_attributes() | |
... | ||
void | gw.restore_all_attributes() | |
... | ||
void | gw.reset_nodes(long mask=N_ALL) | |
reset node parameters to their default values. | ||
void | gw.reset_edges(long mask=E_ALL) | |
reset edge parameters to their default values. | ||
void | gw.reset() | reset node and edge parameters to their default values. |
void | gw.reset_defaults() | resets default parameters to their original values. |
node | gw.get_edit_node() | returns a node under the current mouse pointer position (nil if there is no node at the current position) |
edge | gw.get_edit_edge() | returns an edge under the current mouse pointer position (nil if there is no edge at the current position). |
int | gw.get_edit_slider() | returns the number of the slider under the current mouse pointer position (0 if there is no edge slider at the current position). |
void | gw.get_bounding_box(double& x0, double& y0, double& x1, double& y1) | |
computes the coordinates (x0, y0, x1, y1) of a minimal bounding box for the current layout of the graph. | ||
void | gw.get_bounding_box(const list<node>& V, const list<edge>& E, double& x0, double& y0, double& x1, double& y1) | |
computes the coordinates (x0, y0, x1, y1) of a minimal bounding box for the current layout of subgraph (V, E). |