An instance s of the data type rat_segment is a directed straight line segment in the two-dimensional plane, i.e., a line segment [p, q] connecting two rational points p and q (cf. Rational Points). p is called the source or start point and q is called the target or end point of s. A segment is called trivial if its source is equal to its target.
#include < LEDA/geo/rat_segment.h >
rat_segment::coord_type | the coordinate type (rational). |
rat_segment::point_type | the point type (rat_point). |
rat_segment::float_type | the corresponding floatin-point type (segment). |
rat_segment | s | introduces a variable s of type rat_segment. s is initialized to the empty segment. |
rat_segment | s(const rat_point& p, const rat_point& q) | |
introduces a variable s of type rat_segment. s is initialized to the segment [p, q]. | ||
rat_segment | s(const rat_point& p, const rat_vector& v) | |
introduces a variable s of type rat_segment. s is
initialized to the segment [p, p + v].
Precondition v.dim() = 2. |
rat_segment | s(const rational& x1, const rational& y1, const rational& x2, const rational& y2) | |
introduces a variable s of type rat_segment. s is initialized to the segment [(x1, y1),(x2, y2)]. | ||
rat_segment | s(const integer& x1, const integer& y1, const integer& w1, const integer& x2, const integer& y2, const integer& w2) | |
introduces a variable s of type rat_segment. s is initialized to the segment [(x1, y1, w1),(x2, y2, w2)]. | ||
rat_segment | s(const integer& x1, const integer& y1, const integer& x2, const integer& y2) | |
introduces a variable s of type rat_segment. s is initialized to the segment [(x1, y1),(x2, y2)]. | ||
rat_segment | s(const segment& s1, int prec = rat_point::default_precision) | |
introduces a variable s of type rat_segment. s is initialized to the segment obtained by approximating the two defining points of s1. |
segment | s.to_float() | returns a floating point approximation of s. |
void | s.normalize() | simplifies the homogenous representation by calling source().normalize() and target().normlize(). |
rat_point | s.start() | returns the source point of s. |
rat_point | s.end() | returns the target point of s. |
rat_segment | s.reversal() | returns the segment (target(),source()). |
rational | s.xcoord1() | returns the x-coordinate of the source point of s. |
rational | s.xcoord2() | returns the x-coordinate of the target point of s. |
rational | s.ycoord1() | returns the y-coordinate of the source point of s. |
rational | s.ycoord2() | returns the y-coordinate of the target point of s. |
double | s.xcoord1D() | returns a double precision approximation of s.xcoord1(). |
double | s.xcoord2D() | returns a double precision approximation of s.xcoord2(). |
double | s.ycoord1D() | returns a double precision approximation of s.ycoord1(). |
double | s.ycoord2D() | returns a double precision approximation of s.ycoord2(). |
integer | s.X1() | returns the first homogeneous coordinate of the source point of s. |
integer | s.X2() | returns the first homogeneous coordinate of the target point of s. |
integer | s.Y1() | returns the second homogeneous coordinate of the source point of s. |
integer | s.Y2() | returns the second homogeneous coordinate of the target point of s. |
integer | s.W1() | returns the third homogeneous coordinate of the source point of s. |
integer | s.W2() | returns the third homogeneous coordinate of the target point of s. |
double | s.XD1() | returns a floating point approximation of s.X1(). |
double | s.XD2() | returns a floating point approximation of s.X2(). |
double | s.YD1() | returns a floating point approximation of s.Y1(). |
double | s.YD2() | returns a floating point approximation of s.Y2(). |
double | s.WD1() | returns a floating point approximation of s.W1(). |
double | s.WD2() | returns a floating point approximation of s.W2(). |
integer | s.dx() | returns the normalized x-difference X2*W1 - X1*W2 of s. |
integer | s.dy() | returns the normalized y-difference Y2*W1 - Y1*W2 of s. |
double | s.dxD() | returns a floating point approximation of s.dx(). |
double | s.dyD() | returns a floating point approximation of s.dy(). |
bool | s.is_trivial() | returns true if s is trivial. |
bool | s.is_vertical() | returns true if s is vertical. Precondition s is non-trivial. |
bool | s.is_horizontal() | returns true if s is horizontal.
Precondition s is non-trivial. |
rational | s.slope() | returns the slope of s.
Precondition s is not vertical. |
int | s.cmp_slope(const rat_segment& s1) | |
compares the slopes of s and s1. Precondition s and s1 are non-trivial. |
int | s.orientation(const rat_point& p) | |
computes orientation(a, b, p) (see below), where a ![]() |
rational | s.x_proj(rational y) | returns p.xcoord(), where
p ![]() Precondition s is not horizontal. |
rational | s.y_proj(rational x) | returns p.ycoord(), where
p ![]() Precondition s is not vertical. |
rational | s.y_abs() | returns the y-abscissa of line(s), i.e., s.y_proj(0).
Precondition s is not vertical. |
bool | s.contains(const rat_point& p) | |
decides whether s contains p. | ||
bool | s.intersection(const rat_segment& t) | |
decides whether s and t intersect. | ||
bool | s.intersection(const rat_segment& t, rat_point& p) | |
decides whether s and t intersect. If so, some point of intersection is assigned to p. | ||
bool | s.intersection(const rat_segment& t, rat_segment& inter) | |
decides whether s and t intersect. If so, the segment formed by the points of intersection is assigned to inter. | ||
bool | s.intersection_of_lines(const rat_segment& t, rat_point& p) | |
decides if the lines supporting s and t intersect in a
single point. If so, the point of intersection is assigned to p.
Precondition s and t are nontrivial. |
bool | s.overlaps(const rat_segment& t) | |
decides whether s and t overlap, i.e. they have a non-trivial intersection. | ||
rat_segment | s.translate(const rational& dx, const rational& dy) | |
returns s translated by vector (dx, dy). | ||
rat_segment | s.translate(const integer& dx, const integer& dy, const integer& dw) | |
returns s translated by vector (dx/dw, dy/dw). | ||
rat_segment | s.translate(const rat_vector& v) | |
returns s + v, i.e., s translated by vector v.
Precondition v.dim() = 2. |
rat_segment | s + const rat_vector& v | returns s translated by vector v. |
rat_segment | s - const rat_vector& v | returns s translated by vector - v. |
rat_segment | s.rotate90(const rat_point& q, int i=1) | |
returns s rotated about q by an angle of i x 90 degrees. If i > 0 the rotation is counter-clockwise otherwise it is clockwise. | ||
rat_segment | s.rotate90(int i=1) | returns s rotated about the origin by an angle of i x 90 degrees. |
rat_segment | s.reflect(const rat_point& p, const rat_point& q) | |
returns s reflected across the straight line passing through p and q. | ||
rat_segment | s.reflect(const rat_point& p) | |
returns s reflected across point p. | ||
rat_segment | s.reverse() | returns s reversed. |
rat_segment | s.perpendicular(const rat_point& p) | |
returns the segment perpendicular to s with source p
and target on
Precondition s is nontrivial. |
rational | s.sqr_length() | returns the square of the length of s. |
rational | s.sqr_dist(const rat_point& p) | |
returns the squared Euclidean distance between p and s. | ||
rational | s.sqr_dist() | returns the squared distance between s and the origin. |
rat_vector | s.to_vector() | returns the vector - s.source(). |
bool | s == const rat_segment& t | returns true if s and t are equal as oriented segments |
int | equal_as_sets(const rat_segment& s, const rat_segment& t) | |
returns true if s and t are equal as unoriented segments |
Non-Member Functions
int | cmp_slopes(const rat_segment& s1, const rat_segment& s2) | |
returns compare(slope(s1), slope(s2)). | ||
int | cmp_segments_at_xcoord(const rat_segment& s1, const rat_segment& s2, const rat_point& p) | |
compares points
l1 ![]() ![]() |
int | orientation(const rat_segment& s, const rat_point& p) | |
computes orientation(a, b, p), where a ![]() |