Let G be a graph, s a node in G, and c a cost
function on the edges of G. Edge costs may be positive or negative.
For a node v let (v) be the length of
a shortest path from s to v (more precisely, the infimum of the lengths
of all paths from s to v). If v is not reachable from s then
(v) = +
and if v is reachable from s through a cycle of negative
cost then
(v) = -
. Let V+, Vf, and V-
be the set of nodes v with
(v) = +
(v) < +
(v) = -
, respectively.
The solution to a single source shortest path problem
(G, s, c) is a
(dist, pred) where dist is a node_array<NT> and pred is a
node_array<edge> with the following properties.
P = pred[v] ; v
V and pred[v]
. A P-cycle is a cycle all of whose edges
belong to P and a P-path is a path all of whose edges belong to P.
Most functions in this section are template functions. The template parameter NT can be instantiated with any number type. In order to use the template version of the function the .h-file
#include <LEDA/graph/templates/shortest_path.h>
must be included.
The functions are pre-instantiated with int and double. The function names
of the pre-instantiated versions are without the suffix _T
Special care should be taken when using the functions with a number type NT that can incur rounding error, e.g., the type double. The functions perform correctly if all arithmetic performed is without rounding error. This is the case if all numerical values in the input are integers (albeit stored as a number of type NT) and if none of the intermediate results exceeds the maximal integer representable by the number type (252 in the case of doubles). All intermediate results are sums and differences of input values, in particular, the algorithms do not use divisions and multiplications. All intermediate values are bounded by nC where n is the number of nodes and C is the maximal absolute value of any edge cost.
template <class NT> | ||
bool | SHORTEST_PATH_T(const graph& G, node s, const edge_array<NT>& c, node_array<NT>& dist, node_array<edge>& pred) | |
SHORTEST_PATH solves the single source shortest path problem in the
graph G(V, E) with respect to the source node s and the cost-function given
by the edge_array c.
The procedure returns false if there is a negative cycle in G that is reachable from s and returns true otherwise. It runs in linear time on acyclic graph, in time O(m + n log n) if all edge costs are non-negative, and runs in time O(min(D, n)m) otherwise. Here D is the maximal number of edges on any shortest path. |
list<edge> | COMPUTE_SHORTEST_PATH(const graph& G, node s, node t, const node_array<edge>& pred) | |
computes a shortest path from s to t assuming that pred stores a valid shortest path tree with root s (as it can be computed with the previous function). The returned list contains the edges on a shortest path from s to t. The running time is linear in the length of the path. | ||
template <class NT> | ||
node_array<int> | CHECK_SP_T(const graph& G, node s, const edge_array<NT>& c, const node_array<NT>& dist, const node_array<edge>& pred) | |
checks whether the pair
(dist, pred) is a correct solution to the shortest path
(G, s, c) and returns a node_array<int> label
with label[v] < 0 if v has distance - ![]() ![]() |
template <class NT> | ||
void | ACYCLIC_SHORTEST_PATH_T(const graph& G, node s, const edge_array<NT>& c, node_array<NT>& dist, node_array<edge>& pred) | |
solves the single source shortest path problem with respect
to source s. The algorithm takes linear time.
Precondition G must be acyclic. |
template <class NT> | ||
void | DIJKSTRA_T(const graph& G, node s, const edge_array<NT>& cost, node_array<NT>& dist, node_array<edge>& pred) | |
solves the shortest path problem in a graph with non-negative edges weights.
Precondition The costs of all edges are non-negative. |
template <class NT> | ||
void | DIJKSTRA_T(const graph& G, node s, const edge_array<NT>& cost, node_array<NT>& dist) | |
as above, but pred is not computed. | ||
template <class NT> | ||
NT | DIJKSTRA_T(const graph& G, node s, node t, const edge_array<NT>& c, node_array<edge>& pred) | |
computes a shortest path from s to t and returns its length. The cost of all edges must be non-negative. The return value is unspecified if there is no path from s to t. The array pred records a shortest path from s to t in reverse order, i.e., pred[t] is the last edge on the path. If there is no path from s to t or if s = t then pred[t] = nil. The worst case running time is O(m + n log n), but frequently much better. | ||
template <class NT> | ||
bool | BELLMAN_FORD_B_T(const graph& G, node s, const edge_array<NT>& c, node_array<NT>& dist, node_array<edge>& pred) | |
BELLMAN_FORD_B solves the single source shortest path problem in the
graph G(V, E) with respect to the source node s and the cost-function given
by the edge_array c.
BELLMAN_FORD_B returns false if there is a negative cycle in G that is reachable from s and returns true otherwise. The algorithm ([10]) has running time O(min(D, n)m) where D is the maximal number of edges on any shortest path. The algorithm is only included for pedagogical purposes. |
void | BF_GEN(GRAPH<int,int>& G, int n, int m, bool non_negative = true) | |
generates a graph with at most n nodes and at most m edges.
The edge costs are stored as edge data. The running time of
BELLMAN_FORD_B on this graph is
![]() Precondition m > = 2n and m < = n2/2. |
template <class NT> | ||
bool | BELLMAN_FORD_T(const graph& G, node s, const edge_array<NT>& c, node_array<NT>& dist, node_array<edge>& pred) | |
BELLMAN_FORD_T solves the single source shortest path problem in the
graph G(V, E) with respect to the source node s and the cost-function given
by the edge_array c.
BELLMAN_FORD_T returns false if there is a negative cycle in G that is reachable from s and returns true otherwise. The algorithm ([10]) has running time O(min(D, n)m) where D is the maximal number of edges in any shortest path. The algorithm is never significantly slower than BELLMAN_FORD_B and frequently much faster. |
template <class NT> | ||
bool | ALL_PAIRS_SHORTEST_PATHS_T(graph& G, const edge_array<NT>& c, node_matrix<NT>& DIST) | |
returns true if G has no negative cycle and returns false
otherwise. In the latter case
all values returned in DIST are unspecified. In the
former case the following holds for all v and w: if
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
rational | MINIMUM_RATIO_CYCLE(graph& G, const edge_array<int>& c, const edge_array<int>& p, list<edge>& C_star) | |
Returns a minimum cost to profit ratio cycle C_star and the
ratio of the cycle. For a cycle C let c(C) be the sum of the c-values
of the edges on the cycle and let p(C) be the sum of the p-values of
the edges on the cycle. The cost to profit ratio of the cycle is the
quotient c(C)/p(C). The cycle C_start realizes the minimum ratio for
any cycle C.
The procedure
runs in time
O(nm log(n*C*P)) where C and P are the maximum cost and
profit of any edge, respectively. The program returns zero if there
is no cycle in G.
Precondition There are no cycles of cost zero or less with respect to either c or p. |