
Defines a simple multi-dimensional index for the gemotric hash table defined in class GeomHash.

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Class Summary

class HashIndex

HashIndex(unsigned short indexSize);
void add(float value);
void add(const Vector3& v);
HashIndex& operator<<(float value);
HashIndex& operator<<(const Vector3& v);
void reset();
float& operator[](unsigned short index) const;
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, HashIndex& hi);
}; // HashIndex

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Meir Fuchs (mailto: meirfux@math.tau.ac.il)

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HashIndex defines a general purpose index for the geometric hash table. The index holds an array of floats whose maximal size is predetermined (i.e. the size is not dynamic as in vector). The goal is to define a well performing hash index which would be widely used there by enhancing the simplicity of the geometric hash table classes and reducing some code bloat.

Elements are added to the back of the HashIndex using the add method or the << operator and are accessed using the [] operator. The HashIndex must be initialized with a default maximal size.

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The following is an example of using the HashIndex class as an index to a GeomHash.

    typedef GeomHash<HashIndex, int> GHash;
    GHash table;
    HashIndex index(5);           // maximal size 5.
    index.add(Vector3(1, 2, 3));  // use the add method for first 3 elements
    index << 4 << 5;              // use the << operator to add the last two.
    table.insert(index, 1);       // insert using the index
    GHash::Result result;
    table.query(index, result);   // query using the index. 

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Creates a default 0-size hash-index. HashIndex instances created using this constructor have no use. The constructor is defined so that it will be available for subclassing and STL containers.


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HashIndex(unsigned short indexSize);

Instantiates a HashIndex object of a given size. This size remains constant throughout the life of the object. Space allocated for the floating point parameters is deallocated in the HashIndex destructor.

  HashIndex(unsigned short indexSize);

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Destructor. Deallocates space of floats.


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void add(float value);

HashIndex keeps a fixed size array of floats. float values may be added sequentially using the add method. add methods called after the float array is full are simply ignored.

  void add(float value);

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void add(const Vector3& v);

HashIndex keeps a fixed size array of floats. 3 float values may be added sequentially using the add method. add methods called after the float array is full are simply ignored.

  void add(const Vector3& v);

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HashIndex& operator<<(float value);

Same as add method. The << operator allows adding several values in one line of syntactically presentable code.

  HashIndex& operator<<(float value);

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HashIndex& operator<<(const Vector3& v);

Same as add method. The << operator allows adding several values in one line of syntactically presentable code.

  HashIndex& operator<<(const Vector3& v);

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void reset();

Empty the HashIndex object. The space is not deallocated but the add counter is reset. Immediately after a reset operation the values inserted into a HashIndex object are still available.

  void reset();

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float& operator[](unsigned short index) const;

Returns a reference to the index'th place in the float array. This may be used to change values within the array. If index is bigger than the size of the array then index modulo array size is used.

  float& operator[](unsigned short index) const;

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friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, HashIndex& hi);

Prints out all the hash index elements (spaces beteween elements).

  friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, HashIndex& hi);

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All Members

void add(float value);
void add(const Vector3& v);
HashIndex& operator<<(float value);
HashIndex& operator<<(const Vector3& v);
void reset();
float& operator[](unsigned short index) const;
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, HashIndex& hi);

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Class does not inherit from any other class.

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Class is not inherited by any others.

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Generated from source by the Cocoon utilities on Sun Nov 15 13:35:25 2009 .

Report problems to jkotula@unimax.com