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Class Summary

class NucleicAcidAtom : public Atom
// Constructors
NucleicAcidAtom(const char* const PDBrec) ;
// Query
bool isP() const;
bool isO3() const;
bool isBackbone() const;
bool isSugarAtom() const;
bool isPhosphateAtom() const;
bool isBaseAtom() const;
const int getPairedAtomIndex() const ;
// Setters
void setPairedAtomIndex(int index) ;
}; // NucleicAcidAtom

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Oranit Dror (mailto:

Copyright: SAMBA group, Tel-Aviv Univ. Israel, 2004.


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NucleicAcidAtom(const char* const PDBrec) ;

A constructor that intiate a NucleicAcidAtom object from an ATOM PDB record

  NucleicAcidAtom(const char* const PDBrec) ;

Function is currently defined inline.

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bool isP() const;

Returns true if the atom is phosphate

  bool isP() const;

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bool isO3() const;

Returns true if the atom is phosphate

  bool isO3() const;

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bool isBackbone() const;

Returns true if the atom is a backbone atom

  bool isBackbone() const;

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bool isSugarAtom() const;

Returns true if the atom belongs to the sugar group of a nucleotide

  bool isSugarAtom() const;

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bool isPhosphateAtom() const;

Returns true if the atom belongs to the phosphate group of a nucleotide

  bool isPhosphateAtom() const;

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bool isBaseAtom() const;

Returns true if the atom belongs to a nucleotide base

  bool isBaseAtom() const; 

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const int getPairedAtomIndex() const ;

Return the index of the paired atom in the molecule or -1 if the atom is unpaired.

  const int getPairedAtomIndex() const                                  

Function is currently defined inline.

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void setPairedAtomIndex(int index) ;

Sets the index of the paired atom in the molecule or -1 if such an atom does not exist.

  void setPairedAtomIndex(int index)                                   

Function is currently defined inline.

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All Members

// define real type.
typedef float real;
// Inspection.
Vector3 position() const ;
real x() const ;
real x(const unsigned short coord) const ;
bool isZero() const ;
real norm() const ;
real norm2() const ;
real dist(const Vector3& p) const ;
real dist2(const Vector3& p) const ;
const real& operator[](const unsigned short coord) const ;
Vector3 getPerpendicularVector() const ;
Vector3 getUnitVector() const ;
// Operators.
bool operator==(const Vector3& v) const ;
friend Vector3 operator+(const Vector3& p1, const Vector3& p2) ;
friend Vector3 operator-(const Vector3& p1, const Vector3& p2) ;
friend Vector3 operator-(const Vector3& p) ;
friend real operator*(const Vector3& p1, const Vector3& p2) ;
friend Vector3 operator*(const Vector3& p, const real& m) ;
friend Vector3 operator*(const real& m, const Vector3& p) ;
friend Vector3 operator/(const Vector3& p, const real& m) ;
friend Vector3 operator&(const Vector3& p1, const Vector3& p2) ;
friend real operator|(const Vector3& p1, const Vector3& p2) ;
friend real operator^(const Vector3& p1, const Vector3& p2) ;
Vector3& operator+=(const Vector3& p) ;
Vector3& operator-=(const Vector3& p) ;
Vector3& operator*=(const real& m) ;
Vector3& operator/=(const real& m) ;
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& s, const Vector3& v) ;
friend istream& operator>>(istream& s, Vector3& v) ;
void output(FILE* outputFile) const ;
// Constructors
explicit Atom(const char* const PDBrec);
// Inspectors
char chainId() const;
char altLocIndicator() const;
unsigned short atomIndex() const;
short residueIndex() const;
char residueICode() const;
const char *const type() const;
char residueType() const;
const char *const residueName() const;
AtomEntryType getAtomEntryType() const;
float getOccupancy() const;
float getTempFactor() const;
void setTempFactor(float ftemp);
bool isBackbone() const;
bool isCA() const;
bool isCB() const;
bool isN() const;
bool isC() const;
bool isO() const;
bool isH() const;
bool isWater() const;
// Adaptors
void setChainId(const char newChainId);
void setAtomId(unsigned short newAtomId);
Atom& operator*=(const RigidTrans3& rt) ;
operator RESIDUE_INDEX()const ;
void setSSE(const pair< char,short>& isseInfo) ;
pair< char,short> getSSE()const ;
static string parseAtomName(const char* const atomName_);
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& s, const Atom& at);
// Query
bool isP() const;
bool isO3() const;
bool isSugarAtom() const;
bool isPhosphateAtom() const;
bool isBaseAtom() const;
const int getPairedAtomIndex() const ;
// Setters
void setPairedAtomIndex(int index) ;

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Inheritance chain for NucleicAcidAtom:

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Class is not inherited by any others.

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