
A utility class used to manage program parameters. The class supports setting default values for parameters, reading values from a parameters file and accessing parameters values from other parts of the program.

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Class Summary

class Parameters

enum ParamType ;
static void readParameters(istream& paramStream);
static bool empty();
// Setting parameters
static void addParameter(const string& paramName, const int value);
static void addParameter(const string& paramName, const double value);
static void addParameter(const string& paramName, const string& value);
static void updateParameter(const string& paramName, const char* const value);
// Getting parameters values.
static ParamType paramType(const string& paramName);
static int getInt(const string& paramName, const int& defaultValue );
static float getFloat(const string& paramName, const float& defaultValue );
static string getString(const string& paramName, const string& defaultValue ));
// Other methods
static void dump(ostream& out);
static void dump(DebugStream& out, const unsigned int msgLevel);
static void dump(FILE* outputFile);
static string nextToken(string& str);
}; // Parameters

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Meir Fuchs (mailto:

Copyright: SAMBA group, Tel-Aviv Univ. Israel, 1997.

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Aid in managing program parameters. The Parameters class's main goal is to relieve programmers from the need to rewrite specialized parameters reading code sections for each of the programs. The Parameters class holds integer, floating point or string values in static storage indexed using the parameter's name. Class also supplies method for parsing strings.

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The following section covers several issues regarding the Parameters class and its usage. Users should understand the issues covered below before using the class.

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Default parameters are set using the addParameter methods. Note that the type of the parameter is set according to the addParameter arguments. If a parameter is set using addParameter with an integer argument then subsequent updates (using updateParameter) to the same parameter will all be stored as integers. Therefore the following code should output a 0:

    Parameters::addParameter("Dummy", 3);
    Parameters::updateParameter("Dummy", "This should set it to zero");
    cout << Parameters::getstring("Dummy");

Note also that when setting defuault values of float parameters always use a decimal point or else these parameters will be added as intgers. For example:

    Parameters::addParameter("CubeSize", 1.0);  OK
    Parameters::addParameter("CubeSize", 1);    Not OK. Integer parameter

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The readParameters method recieves an input stream from which parameters are to be read. Files are structured so that each line specifies the value of a parameter. Each line gives the parameter name, a white space and then the parameter value. Lines whose first non white-space charachter is # are ignored. A basic schema for using the Parameters class is to set the default values using addParameter calls and then calling readParameters to read in parameters with other values or new parameters. The following example works as such using the Parameters::dump method to print all the parameters and their values:

    Parameters::addParameter("CubeSize", 1.0);
    Parameters::addParameter("MinVote", 8);
    ifstream params("params");
With the following parameters file:

    CubeSize 0.5
    File  pdb4hhb.ent
The following output should result:

    CubeSize (Float) 0.5
    File     (Str)   pdb4hhb.ent
    MinVote  (Int)   8

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using the getInt, getFloat and getstring methods one may access the parameters values. Note that a value will always be returned even if the parameter is not stored as the same type. The get methods attempt to convert the parameter type to the requested return type of the method. The follwing code should produce 3 1's as its output:

    Parameters::addParameter("MaxMix", 1);   OK added an integer parameter
    cout << Parameters::getInt("MaxMix");
    cout << Parameters::getFloat("MaxMix");
    cout << Parameters::getstring("MaxMix");
Also note that parameters names are case sensitive.

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The Parameters engine keeps the parameters in a sorted list. Although finding a parameter and its value in this list is considerably fast most users will not want this overhead of searching for the parameter using string comparisons inside their main loops, as part of a code which can be executed a great number of times. The idea is to subclass the Parameters class and hold the values which require direct and fast access in seperate static variables. All parameters are accessed not throguh the getParameter methods but rather through specialized methods of the subclass. The following is an example of such an implementation. Notice the readParameters method.

    static int min_vote = 8;         // Default values
    static float cube_size = 1.0;

    class ProgParams : protected Parameters
      int minVote()  { return min_vote };

      float cubeSize() { return cube_size };

      // file name is not held in static variable. Don't care about parameter
      // access time.
      string fileName() { return getstring("FileName"); }

      int readParameters(char* paramsfile) {
        addParameter("MinVote", min_vote);
        addParameter("CubeSize", cube_size);

        ifstream params(paramsfile);
        min_vote = getInt("MinVote");
        cube_size = getFloat("CubeSize");

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enum ParamType ;

Used by the paramType method. See below.

  enum ParamType { Undef, Int, Float, Str };

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void readParameters(istream& paramStream);

readParameters recieves an input stream and reads parameters off this input stream. See the usage section for details of how a parameters file may be structured.

  static void readParameters(istream& paramStream);

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bool empty();

Returns true if no parameters are defined.

  static bool empty(); 

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void addParameter(const string& paramName, const int value);

Adds an integer parameter. The integer value added will actually be stored as an integer. Subsequent updates to the same parameter using updateParameter will all be stored as integers.

  static void addParameter(const string& paramName, const int value);

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void addParameter(const string& paramName, const double value);

Adds a float parameter. The float value added will actually be stored as a float. Subsequent updates to the same parameter using updateParameter will all be stored as floats.

  static void addParameter(const string& paramName, const double value);

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void addParameter(const string& paramName, const string& value);

Adds a string parameter. The string value added will actually be stored as a string. Subsequent updates to the same parameter using updateParameter will all be stored as strings.

  static void addParameter(const string& paramName, const string& value);

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void updateParameter(const string& paramName, const char* const value);

Update the parameter value without changing the parameter type. The value parameter is converted to the parameter's type if this parameter already exists. If the parameter is not yet listed then updateParameter adds a new parameter of string type.

  static void updateParameter(const string& paramName, 
                              const char* const value);

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ParamType paramType(const string& paramName);

Returns the storage type of the given parameter. If a parameter of the given name does not exist then Undef is returned. See enum ParamType above for possible return values.

  static ParamType paramType(const string& paramName);

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int getInt(const string& paramName, const int& defaultValue );

Gets the integer value of a given parameter. If parameter is not of integer type then its value is converted to integer. If parameter does not exist a 0 is returned.

  static int       getInt(const string& paramName, const int& defaultValue=0);

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float getFloat(const string& paramName, const float& defaultValue );

Gets the float value of a given parameter. If parameter is not of float type then its value is converted to float. If parameter does not exist a 0 is returned.

  static float     getFloat(const string& paramName, const float& defaultValue=0.0);

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string getString(const string& paramName, const string& defaultValue ));

Gets the string value of a given parameter. If parameter is not of string type then its value is converted to string. If parameter does not exist an empty string is returned.

  static string    getString(const string& paramName, const string& defaultValue=string());

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void dump(ostream& out);

Output all listed parameters. Used for debugging.

  static void   dump(ostream& out);

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void dump(DebugStream& out, const unsigned int msgLevel);

Output all listed parameters. Used for debugging.

  static void   dump(DebugStream& out, const unsigned int msgLevel);

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void dump(FILE* outputFile);

Output all listed parameters.

  static void dump(FILE* outputFile);

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string nextToken(string& str);

A utility method. nextToken recieves an argument string, finds the first white-space delimited token in this string and returns it while cutting this token off of the argument string (It it passed by reference). Tokens are returned without any spaces. This method may be used repetitively to tokenize a string.

  static string nextToken(string& str);

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Constructor is protected since all methods are static. No need to actually form an instance of this class.


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All Members

enum ParamType ;
static void readParameters(istream& paramStream);
static bool empty();
// Setting parameters
static void addParameter(const string& paramName, const int value);
static void addParameter(const string& paramName, const double value);
static void addParameter(const string& paramName, const string& value);
static void updateParameter(const string& paramName, const char* const value);
// Getting parameters values.
static ParamType paramType(const string& paramName);
static int getInt(const string& paramName, const int& defaultValue );
static float getFloat(const string& paramName, const float& defaultValue );
static string getString(const string& paramName, const string& defaultValue ));
// Other methods
static void dump(ostream& out);
static void dump(DebugStream& out, const unsigned int msgLevel);
static void dump(FILE* outputFile);
static string nextToken(string& str);

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Class does not inherit from any other class.

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Class is not inherited by any others.

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Generated from source by the Cocoon utilities on Sun Nov 15 13:35:26 2009 .

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