[ GAMB | Source | Keywords | Summary | Ancestors | All Members | Descendants ]
public: | |
// Constructors | |
MoleculeGrid(const Surface& surface, const float inDelta, const float maxRadius); | |
// Functions | |
float | getDist(const Vector3& point) const ; |
Vector3 | calcVolumeNormal(const Vector3& center, const float radius ) const; |
float | calcVolumeFunc(const Vector3& center, const float radius ) const; |
void | calcVolumeFuncAndNormal(const Vector3& center, const float radius, float& volFunc, Vector3& volNormal) const; |
void | computeDistFromSurface(const Surface& surface, bool precise ); |
template< class MoleculeT> void | markTheInside(const MoleculeT& M); |
float | volume() const; |
void | printGrid(ofstream& file) const; |
protected: | |
int | getIndexForPoint( const Vector3& point) const ; |
Vector3 | getPointForIndex(int index) const ; |
bool | isValidIndex(int index) const ; |
int | getIntGridRadius( float radius ) const ; |
float | delta ; |
vector < int > | neigbor; |
vector < float > | neigborDist; |
vector < float > | grid; |
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Copyright: SAMBA group, Tel-Aviv Univ. Israel, 2001.
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Distance function calculation: initialization: The grid voxels are initialized to MAX_VALUE. Then the surface voxels are marked with zero. The algorithm used for distance function computation is grass-fire algorithm. The analogy is that a fire spreads out from some voxels (surface voxels in this case), igniting each voxel in the fire's path. The distance function is computed for each layer starting from surface voxels. The radius for distance function computation is specified by the user. There is also a possibility to compute exact distance function: each voxel will have the exact distance to the closest surface point. Since the algorithm is iterative, the time complexity is linear to the number of voxels.
Marking the inside of the molecule: The same algorithm of grass-fire is used here. The signs of the voxel distance function is changed layer by layer, starting from the centers of molecule atoms. The procedure stops when it reaches surface voxels (distance function is zero or very small).
Space Complexity of the Grid: The density of the grid: delta, is specified by the user. Assume that the width of the molecule along each of the axis is: x_width, y_width, z_width. The space used by the grid will be: x_width*y_width*z_width/(delta^3).
Volume function and Volume normal: The class also supports volume function and normal calculation for a point on molecule surface. The volume function is the ratio of voxels outside the molecule in the sphere of radius R (in most articles it is suggested to use radius of 5A~), and the total number of voxels in the sphere. The volume normal is the average of the points outside the sphere of radius R. This normal is more accurate than the one given by MS or Shuo program.
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The MoleculeGrid class uses Surface representation of the molecule generated by Connolly MS program. The density of the points needed for dense grid is 5A or more. The density of the grid (delta) should be 0.5-1.0. As the density of Connolly points increases, you can decrease the delta value of the grid.
Surface msSurface; Molecule<Atom> mol; // ... read msSurface // ... read mol // initialization of grid MoleculeGrid* grid = new MoleculeGrid(msSurface, delta, maxDist) ; // distance function calculation grid->computeDistFromSurface(msSurface); // marking the molecule grid->markTheInside(mol); Vector3 point(1.2, 2.3, 3.4); float vf = grid->calcVolumeFunc(point,vfRadius) ; Vector3 normal = grid->calcVolumeNormal(point,vfRadius) ;
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MoleculeGrid(const Surface& surface, const float inDelta, const float maxRadius);
The MoleculeGrid constructor receives Connoly MS Surface, delta - grid
density and maxRadius - maximum radius for distance function calculation.
MoleculeGrid(const Surface& surface, const float inDelta, const float maxRadius);
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float getDist(const Vector3& point) const ;
Returns distance from surface for a given point.
float getDist(const Vector3& point) const ;
Function is currently defined inline.
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Vector3 calcVolumeNormal(const Vector3& center, const float radius ) const;
Calculates volume normal for Vector3 center in a given radius.
Vector3 calcVolumeNormal(const Vector3& center, const float radius = 5.0) const;
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float calcVolumeFunc(const Vector3& center, const float radius ) const;
Calculates volume function for Vector3 center in a given radius.
float calcVolumeFunc(const Vector3& center, const float radius = 5.0) const;
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void calcVolumeFuncAndNormal(const Vector3& center, const float radius, float& volFunc, Vector3& volNormal) const;
Calculates volume function and normal at one pass.
Usefull when both of them need to be calculated.
void calcVolumeFuncAndNormal(const Vector3& center, const float radius, float& volFunc, Vector3& volNormal) const;
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void computeDistFromSurface(const Surface& surface, bool precise );
Computes distance function for the molecule.
The voxels corresponding to surface points are given zero distance
function value and serve as a first layer.
If precise value is true, than the exact dist. function is calculated.
void computeDistFromSurface(const Surface& surface, bool precise = false);
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template< class MoleculeT> void markTheInside(const MoleculeT& M);
Marks the inside of the molecule by changing the sign of
the distance function for inner voxels to negative.
the molecule M shouls contain the coordinates of the centers of all atoms
of the molecule.
template< class MoleculeT> void markTheInside(const MoleculeT& M);
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float volume() const;
Computes the volume of the molecule based on grid
float volume() const;
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void printGrid(ofstream& file) const;
Prints each surface voxel as a coordinate in PDB format.
Usefull for grid visualization.
void printGrid(ofstream& file) const;
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int getIndexForPoint( const Vector3& point) const ;
computes index in grid for a point.
int getIndexForPoint( const Vector3& point) const ;
Function is currently defined inline.
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Vector3 getPointForIndex(int index) const ;
computes a point corresponding to an index.
Vector3 getPointForIndex(int index) const ;
Function is currently defined inline.
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bool isValidIndex(int index) const ;
checks if the index is valid for the grid
bool isValidIndex(int index) const ;
Function is currently defined inline.
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int getIntGridRadius( float radius ) const ;
convert radius to grid valid radius (number of voxels)
int getIntGridRadius( float radius ) const ;
Function is currently defined inline.
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float delta ;
grid resolution
float delta ;
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vector < int > neigbor;
cube neighbors
there are 26 neighbors for each voxel
vector < int > neigbor;
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vector < float > neigborDist;
cube neighbors' distances
vector < float > neigborDist;
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vector < float > grid;
distances grid
vector < float > grid;
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public: | ||
// Functions | ||
float | getDist(const Vector3& point) const ; | |
Vector3 | calcVolumeNormal(const Vector3& center, const float radius ) const; | |
float | calcVolumeFunc(const Vector3& center, const float radius ) const; | |
void | calcVolumeFuncAndNormal(const Vector3& center, const float radius, float& volFunc, Vector3& volNormal) const; | |
void | computeDistFromSurface(const Surface& surface, bool precise ); | |
template< class MoleculeT> void | markTheInside(const MoleculeT& M); | |
float | volume() const; | |
void | printGrid(ofstream& file) const; | |
protected: | ||
int | getIndexForPoint( const Vector3& point) const ; | |
Vector3 | getPointForIndex(int index) const ; | |
bool | isValidIndex(int index) const ; | |
int | getIntGridRadius( float radius ) const ; | |
float | delta ; | |
vector < int > | neigbor; | |
vector < float > | neigborDist; | |
vector < float > | grid; |
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