[ Keywords | Classes | Data | Functions ]
using | std::vector; | |
typedef | leda::GRAPH< unsigned int, short> BipartiteGraph; | |
endif | ||
enum | MSG_LEVEL ; | |
static Logger* | instance; | |
DebugStream | log; | |
enum | AtomEntryType ; | |
typedef hash_map< unsigned int, pair< char,short> >::iterator HashIter; | ||
static Logger& | getInstance(); |
static Logger& | errorMessage() ; |
static Logger& | warningMessage() ; |
static Logger& | infoMessage() ; |
static Logger& | debugMessage() ; |
static bool | isActiveLevel(MSG_LEVEL level) |
MSG_LEVEL | getLevel() ; |
void | setLevel(MSG_LEVEL msgLevel) ; |
Logger& | operator()(MSG_LEVEL msgLevel); |
template< class T> Logger& | operator<<(const T& data); |
template< class T> Logger& | operator<<(T& data); |
Logger& | operator<<(ostream& (*__pf)(ostream&)); |
~Logger(); | |
static void | init(); |
Logger(const string logFile, unsigned int logLevel); | |
destroy(array, array+occ); | |
static string | trim_left(const string& str ) ; |
static string | trim_right(const string& str ) ; |
static string | trim(const string& str ) ; |
static string | toUpperCase(const string& s); |
static char* | concat(const char* const s1, const char* const s2); |
static void | reverse(char *s); |
static void | eraseLine(ostream& i_s,int size ); |
static void | stringSplit(const string str, string delim, vector< string>& results); |
static template< class StreamT> string | getLine(StreamT& istr); |
static bool | isBlankLine(const char *const line); |
static string | l2str(long l); |
static string | d2str(double d); |
template<class T> string | d2str(const T d) ; |
string | l2str(const long l) ; |
string | i2str(const int l) ; |
template<class T> T | sqr(const T x) ; |
template<class T> T | tabs(const T& x) ; |
template<class T, class S> T | sign(const T a, const S b) ; |
template<class T> T | min2(const T x, const T y) ; |
template<class T> T | max2(const T x, const T y) ; |
template<class T> T | max3(const T x, const T y, const T z) ; |
template<class T> T | min3(const T x, const T y, const T z) ; |
using std::vector;
#include "BipartiteMatcher.h"
using std::vector;
typedef leda::GRAPH< unsigned int, short> BipartiteGraph;
#include "BipartiteMatcher.h"
typedef leda::GRAPH< unsigned int, short> BipartiteGraph;
#include "BipartiteMatcher.h"
#include "BipartiteMatcher.h"
Copyright: SAMBA group, Tel-Aviv Univ. Israel, 1997.
The code is documented using specially formatted comments. Using a freeware package named cocoon a javadoc like html documentation was generated from the source code and may be found in the Documentation directory of the library. The cocoon package resides at mol/utils/cocoon.
The Cocoon utilities can be found at http://www.cs.umn.edu/~kotula/cocoon/cocoon.htm. One can get intructions on what kind of comments coccon expects to find and what it will do with them.
Currently code is compiled using the SGI STL library which was ported to GNU. This STL implementation is considered the best and may be found at /mol/lib/gstl with a Documentation directory. */
#include "HausdorffExtension.h"
enum MSG_LEVEL ;
#include "Logger.h"
The different message levels
Logger& getInstance();
#include "Logger.h"
static Logger& getInstance();
Logger& errorMessage() ;
#include "Logger.h"
Gets a reference to the Logger and starts a new error message One should note that using this method and only then streaming the message is not thread safe.
static Logger& errorMessage() ;
Function is currently defined inline.
Logger& warningMessage() ;
#include "Logger.h"
Gets a reference to the Logger and starts a new warning message One should note that using this method and only then streaming the message is not thread safe.
static Logger& warningMessage() ;
Function is currently defined inline.
Logger& infoMessage() ;
#include "Logger.h"
Gets a reference to the Logger and starts a new info message One should note that using this method and only then streaming the message is not thread safe.
static Logger& infoMessage() ;
Function is currently defined inline.
Logger& debugMessage() ;
#include "Logger.h"
Gets a reference to the Logger and starts a new debug message One should note that using this method and only then streaming the message is not thread safe.
static Logger& debugMessage() ;
Function is currently defined inline.
bool isActiveLevel(MSG_LEVEL level)
#include "Logger.h"
Returns true if messages with the given level will be printed to the log file
static bool isActiveLevel(MSG_LEVEL level)
MSG_LEVEL getLevel() ;
#include "Logger.h"
MSG_LEVEL getLevel() ;
Function is currently defined inline.
void setLevel(MSG_LEVEL msgLevel) ;
#include "Logger.h"
set level
void setLevel(MSG_LEVEL msgLevel) ;
Function is currently defined inline.
Logger& operator()(MSG_LEVEL msgLevel);
#include "Logger.h"
Starts a new message and specifies its level. One should note that setting the level outside of the actual message (i.e., first calling this operator and only then streaming the message) is not thread safe.
Logger& operator()(MSG_LEVEL msgLevel);
template< class T> Logger& operator<<(const T& data);
#include "Logger.h"
If a message was started with a low enough message level then given data will be printed to the log file
template< class T> Logger& operator<<(const T& data);
template< class T> Logger& operator<<(T& data);
#include "Logger.h"
If a message was started with a low enough message level then given data will be printed to the log file
template< class T> Logger& operator<<(T& data);
Logger& operator<<(ostream& (*__pf)(ostream&));
#include "Logger.h"
The Logger can stream a function that accepts an ostream and returns one.
Logger& operator<<(ostream& (*__pf)(ostream&));
#include "Logger.h"
void init();
#include "Logger.h"
static void init();
Logger* instance;
#include "Logger.h"
static Logger* instance;
DebugStream log;
#include "Logger.h"
DebugStream log;
Logger(const string logFile, unsigned int logLevel);
#include "Logger.h"
Logger(const string logFile, unsigned int logLevel);
enum AtomEntryType ;
#include "PDB.h"
enum AtomEntryType {UNK = 0, ATOM = 1, HETATM = 2};
typedef hash_map< unsigned int, pair< char,short> >::iterator HashIter;
#include "SecondStruct.h"
Maps a residue index to its SSE number
typedef hash_map< unsigned int, pair< char,short> >::iterator HashIter;
destroy(array, array+occ);
#include "SmallArray.h"
a question here shouldn't I destroy only occ don't seem like it but I might want to ask meir just in case
destroy(array, array+occ);
string trim_left(const string& str ) ;
#include "StringUtils.h"
Trims spaces at the left side of a string
static inline string trim_left(const string& str ) ;
Function is currently defined inline.
string trim_right(const string& str ) ;
#include "StringUtils.h"
Trims spaces at the right side of a string
static inline string trim_right(const string& str ) ;
Function is currently defined inline.
string trim(const string& str ) ;
#include "StringUtils.h"
Trims spaces at both sides of a string
static inline string trim(const string& str ) ;
Function is currently defined inline.
string toUpperCase(const string& s);
#include "StringUtils.h"
turns all the string to upper case
static string toUpperCase(const string& s);
char* concat(const char* const s1, const char* const s2);
#include "StringUtils.h"
return a string, which is the concatenation of s2 to s1
static char* concat(const char* const s1, const char* const s2);
void reverse(char *s);
#include "StringUtils.h"
reverse the order of the given chars
static void reverse(char *s);
void eraseLine(ostream& i_s,int size );
#include "StringUtils.h"
Erases chars from a stream
static void eraseLine(ostream& i_s,int size=80);
void stringSplit(const string str, string delim, vector< string>& results);
#include "StringUtils.h"
Splits a given line by the given delimiter
static void stringSplit(const string str, string delim, vector< string>& results);
template< class StreamT> string getLine(StreamT& istr);
#include "StringUtils.h"
Reads a line from an input stream (till EOF or \n)
template< class StreamT> static string getLine(StreamT& istr);
bool isBlankLine(const char *const line);
#include "StringUtils.h"
Return true if the line is empty or spaces and tabs only
static bool isBlankLine(const char *const line);
string l2str(long l);
#include "StringUtils.h"
converts long into string
static string l2str(long l);
string d2str(double d);
#include "StringUtils.h"
converts double into string
static string d2str(double d);
template<class T> string d2str(const T d) ;
#include "macros.h"
Double/Float into string
template<class T> inline string d2str(const T d) ;
Function is currently defined inline.
string l2str(const long l) ;
#include "macros.h"
Long into string
inline string l2str(const long l) ;
Function is currently defined inline.
string i2str(const int l) ;
#include "macros.h"
Int into string
inline string i2str(const int l) ;
Function is currently defined inline.
template<class T> T sqr(const T x) ;
#include "macros.h"
Template function returns x squared.
template<class T> inline T sqr(const T x) ;
Function is currently defined inline.
template<class T> T tabs(const T& x) ;
#include "macros.h"
Template function returns absolute value of referenced x.
template<class T> inline T tabs(const T& x) ;
Function is currently defined inline.
template<class T, class S> T sign(const T a, const S b) ;
#include "macros.h"
Template function returns a with b's sign
template<class T, class S> inline T sign(const T a, const S b) ;
Function is currently defined inline.
template<class T> T min2(const T x, const T y) ;
#include "macros.h"
Template function returns minimum of two numbers
template<class T> inline T min2(const T x, const T y) ;
Function is currently defined inline.
template<class T> T max2(const T x, const T y) ;
#include "macros.h"
Template function returns maximum of two numbers
template<class T> inline T max2(const T x, const T y) ;
Function is currently defined inline.
template<class T> T max3(const T x, const T y, const T z) ;
#include "macros.h"
Template function returning maximum of three numbers
template<class T> inline T max3(const T x, const T y, const T z) ;
Function is currently defined inline.
template<class T> T min3(const T x, const T y, const T z) ;
#include "macros.h"
Template function returnin minimun of three numbers
template<class T> inline T min3(const T x, const T y, const T z) ;
Function is currently defined inline.
#include "macros.h"
sorting x y and z from smalles to biggest such that x<=y<=z
/* template<class T> inline void sort3(T& x, T& y, T& z) { T tmp; if (x > y) { tmp = x; x = y; y = tmp; } else if (x > z) { tmp = x; x = z; z = tmp; } else if (y > z) { tmp = y; y = z; z = tmp; } }
Function is currently defined inline.
Report problems to jkotula@unimax.com