[ GAMB | Source | Keywords | Summary | Ancestors | All Members | Descendants ]
public: | |
// relative parallelism between the strand in the sheets defintion | |
// SHEET record constants and methods | |
// the Strand and the Sheet infromation and methods | |
static bool | isStrand(const char* const PDBrec); |
static short | strandNum(const char* const PDBrec); |
static void | strandSheetId(const char* const PDBrec, char id[]); |
static short | numOfStrandsInSheet(const char* const PDBrec); |
static void | initResName(const char* const PDBrec,char res[]); |
static char | initChainId(const char* const PDBrec); |
static int | initSeqNum(const char* const PDBrec); |
static void | endResName(const char* const PDBrec,char res[]); |
static char | endChainId(const char* const PDBrec); |
static int | endSeqNum(const char* const PDBrec); |
static RelativeParallelism | sense(const char* const PDBrec); |
static char | currAtom(const char* const PDBrec); |
static void | currResName(const char* const PDBrec, char res[]); |
static char | currChainId(const char* const PDBrec); |
static int | currResSeq(const char* const PDBrec); |
static char | prevAtom(const char* const PDBrec); |
static void | prevResName(const char* const PDBrec, char res[]); |
static char | prevChainId(const char* const PDBrec); |
static int | prevResSeq(const char* const PDBrec); |
protected: |
Copyright: SAMBA group, Tel-Aviv Univ. Israel, 1999.
bool isStrand(const char* const PDBrec);
Returns whether the record is of the desired type
static bool isStrand(const char* const PDBrec);
short strandNum(const char* const PDBrec);
Returns the strand number inside the sheet
static short strandNum(const char* const PDBrec);
void strandSheetId(const char* const PDBrec, char id[]);
Copies a three chars that indicate the Sheet Id inside the molecule
static void strandSheetId(const char* const PDBrec, char id[]);
short numOfStrandsInSheet(const char* const PDBrec);
Returns the number of strands in this sheet should be consistent
in all the Sheet records
static short numOfStrandsInSheet(const char* const PDBrec);
void initResName(const char* const PDBrec,char res[]);
Returns the name of the amino acid in the 3 letter code
that begins this particular starnd.
static void initResName(const char* const PDBrec,char res[]);
char initChainId(const char* const PDBrec);
Returns the chain Id (if exist) of the begining of the strand.
static char initChainId(const char* const PDBrec);
int initSeqNum(const char* const PDBrec);
Returns the sequence number of the starting residue of the Strand
please notice! that this residue is relative to the chain
if you read the atoms through the Atom class you might find
that atom 25 in chain B has a different numbering there
static int initSeqNum(const char* const PDBrec);
void endResName(const char* const PDBrec,char res[]);
Returns the name of the amino acid in the 3 letter code
that ends this particular strand.
static void endResName(const char* const PDBrec,char res[]);
char endChainId(const char* const PDBrec);
Returns the chain Id (if exist) of the ending of the strand.
static char endChainId(const char* const PDBrec);
int endSeqNum(const char* const PDBrec);
Returns the sequence number of the ending residue of the Strand
please notice! that this residue is relative to the chain
if you read the atoms through the Atom class you might find
that atom 25 in chain B has a different numbering there
static int endSeqNum(const char* const PDBrec);
RelativeParallelism sense(const char* const PDBrec);
This will return the appropriate constant on the strand's parallelism
relative to the previous strand in the sheet
NOTICE: the first strand has no previosu strand to realte to
static RelativeParallelism sense(const char* const PDBrec);
char currAtom(const char* const PDBrec);
Returns the first atom in the current strand to create the chemical
bond with the previous strand. Asuumed to be either N (the hydrogen
that is connected to the nytrogen group) or O. Notice no assertion
is made regarding this since in the first strand this line is empty
static char currAtom(const char* const PDBrec);
void currResName(const char* const PDBrec, char res[]);
The name of the residue in which the atom making the connection reside
static void currResName(const char* const PDBrec, char res[]);
char currChainId(const char* const PDBrec);
The appropriate chain Id of the atom and the related resiue
static char currChainId(const char* const PDBrec);
int currResSeq(const char* const PDBrec);
The residue relative number in the chain
static int currResSeq(const char* const PDBrec);
char prevAtom(const char* const PDBrec);
Returns the first atom in the previous strand to create the chemical
bond with the previous strand. Asuumed to be either N (the hydrogen
that is connected to the nytrogen group) or O. Notice no assertion
is made regarding this since in the first strand this line is empty
static char prevAtom(const char* const PDBrec);
void prevResName(const char* const PDBrec, char res[]);
The name of the residue in which the atom making the connection reside
static void prevResName(const char* const PDBrec, char res[]);
char prevChainId(const char* const PDBrec);
The appropriate chain Id of the atom and the related residue
static char prevChainId(const char* const PDBrec);
int prevResSeq(const char* const PDBrec);
The residue relative number in the chain. Please notice that
this number is in the range of the previous strand atom numbers
static int prevResSeq(const char* const PDBrec);
public: | ||
// the Strand and the Sheet infromation and methods | ||
static bool | isStrand(const char* const PDBrec); | |
static short | strandNum(const char* const PDBrec); | |
static void | strandSheetId(const char* const PDBrec, char id[]); | |
static short | numOfStrandsInSheet(const char* const PDBrec); | |
static void | initResName(const char* const PDBrec,char res[]); | |
static char | initChainId(const char* const PDBrec); | |
static int | initSeqNum(const char* const PDBrec); | |
static void | endResName(const char* const PDBrec,char res[]); | |
static char | endChainId(const char* const PDBrec); | |
static int | endSeqNum(const char* const PDBrec); | |
static RelativeParallelism | sense(const char* const PDBrec); | |
static char | currAtom(const char* const PDBrec); | |
static void | currResName(const char* const PDBrec, char res[]); | |
static char | currChainId(const char* const PDBrec); | |
static int | currResSeq(const char* const PDBrec); | |
static char | prevAtom(const char* const PDBrec); | |
static void | prevResName(const char* const PDBrec, char res[]); | |
static char | prevChainId(const char* const PDBrec); | |
static int | prevResSeq(const char* const PDBrec); | |
protected: |
Report problems to jkotula@unimax.com